A universal automatic band saw of a double-column construction, designed also for single-sided mitre cuts. Thanks to their arms rigidity, double-column band saws with both-sided linear guiding achieve much shorter cutting times, especially in cutting full materials, than machines with articulated saw arms. The outstanding cutting power of the machine results from the following features: a three-sided hardmetal band precision guide, a saw arm laid both-sided on preloaded linear guides, a 34 mm high saw band and lastly, a synchronous running brush for chips disposal. Material downfeed, material clamping and arm downfeed are controlled hydraulically. The maximum length of an individual feed is 750 mm. The whole work cycle is completed after the length and number of pieces have been programmed.
The B&R control unit is equipped with a large, easy to control display. The programming is performed in simple steps, and thanks to a large graphic display of individual sections it is easy to control for the user. After switching the machine to the manual mode, all functions of the machine may be controlled separately. All control elements are located on the freely-adjustable control panel.
The saw swivelling range is continuous from 0° to 60° right at a stable position of the clamped material. Material clamping is performed by full-stroke vices. The machine is equipped with a frequency convertor that allows the saw band’s optimal speed to be set against the pro- cessed material within the 20–120 m/min range; this signi cantly increases both the saw band lifetime and the machine’s productivity. The saw band is tilted against the vice load surface at a 2° angle, which also signi cantly shortens cutting times and contributes to a longer saw band lifetime.
The standard equipment also includes automatic downfeed pressure regulation dependent on the resistance of the processed material, and continuously adjustable arm downfeed. The machine can be extended by a wide range of accessories such as LaserLiner to indicate the cut, additional lighting or even mist lubrication device (microniser). The machine can be adapted to speci c user requirements also by roller conveyors for the the input and output of the material, length stops or transverse cross feeders.
Key features