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Building - Construction
Construction and Mining Equipments
Construction Vehicles
Dual View Dumpers
Wheeled Dumpers
Backhoe Loaders
Tracked Zero Tail Excavators
Wheeled Excavators
Tracked Conventional Excavators
Excavator Attachments
Wheel Loaders
Stone Processing Machines - Equipments
Bridge Grinding And Polishing Machines
Bridge Sawing Machines
Chain Saw Machines
Coupling Machines
Diamond Wire Saws
Diamond Wire Saw Machines
Diamond Wire Stationary Machines
Stone Drilling Machines
Low Benching Machines
Knee-Lever Grinding And Polishing Machines
Machines For Longitudinal Cutting Of Core
Mobile Devices For Prep-Supply Of Clean. Solution
Multidisk Conveying Machines
Multidisk Machines
Stone Splitting Machines
Universal Edging Machines
Construction Tools
Gasoline Breakers
Cut-Off Saws
Gasoline Cut-Off Saws
External Vibrators
Floor Grinders
Floor Saws
Hand-Guided Screeds
Internal Vibrators
Light Towers
Trash Pumps
Dewatering Pumps
2-Stroke Rammers
4-Stroke Rammers
Diesel Rammers
Electric Rammers
Rebar Tiers
Drum Rollers
Electric Tandem Rollers
Smart Remote-Controlled Trench Rollers
Tandem Rollers
Truss Screeds
Vibratory Plates
Electric Vibratory Plates
Reversible Vibratory Plates Light
Reversible Vibratory Plates Medium
Reversible Vibratory Plates Heavy
Reversible Vibratory Plates
Remote-Controlled Vibratory Plates
Single-Direction Vibratory Plates
Led Spotlights
Detection - Measurement
Electrical Measurements
Flow-Pressure and Level Measurements
Gas Controllers - Accessories
Testers - Inspectors - Accessories
Electric Test Pumps
Inspection Accessories
Inspection Cameras
Inspection Locators
Manual Test Pumps
Pressure Testing Pumps
Position - Speed - Acceleration Measurements
Limit Switches
Calibrator - Countersink Tools
Calibrator Kits
Electricity - Electronics
Cable Trays
Cable Trays
Energy Production and Distribution
Output Generators
Portable Generators
Environment - Health - Safety
Cleaning - Hygiene
Cleaning Tools - Accessories
Declogging Cleaning Accessories
Declogging Cleaners
Declogging Cleaning Pumps
Pipe Cleaners
Vacuum Cleaners
Gen. Purpose Tools Water-Dust Vacuum Cleaners
Food industry
Fish Processing Machines
Other Food Machinery
Hydraulics - Pneumatics
Pipes - Tubes - Fittings
Pipe Freezers
Pressure Regulators
Electrical Water Pumps
Manual Water Pumps
Vacuum Pumps
Industrial Machines And Equipment
Furnace and Heat Treatments
Heating Boilers
Printing, Marking and Engraving
3D Printings
3D Metal Printers
Powder Types Additive Manufacturing
Welding and Assembly
Fiber Laser Welders
Laser Welding And Cutting İntegrated Machines
Laser Welders For Advertising Words
Laser Welding Machines
Laser Welders Of Solar Panels
Laser Welders For Pressure Gauge Shell
Welding Mirrors
Multi Stations Laser Welders
Multi Stations Laser Markers
Socket Fusion Machines
Soldering Irons - Soldering Iron Accessories
Vacuum Seal Laser Welders
Welding Machines
Welding Tables
16 mm Welding Tables
16 mm Welding Table Kits - Accessories
28 mm Welding Tables
28 mm Welding Table Kits - Accessories
Other Tools - Accessories
Clamping Kits
Fixturing Kits
Rhino Carts
Slotless Welding Tables
Slotted Welding Tables
Surface Treatment Equipments
Laser Cladding Machines
Metal Sanding Machines
Painters - Sprayers
Fine Coats
Power Painters
Universal Sprayers
Wood-Metal Sprayers
Wall Sprayers
Pneumatic Scalers
Wall Rollers
Power Steamers
Sprayer Controls
Airless Sprayer Controls
Universal Airless Sprayer Controls
Wood-Metal Sprayer Finish Controls
Wallpaper Steam Removers
Machining Centers
5-Axes Machining Centers
Broaching Machines
Cnc Lathes
Compact Cnc Lathes
Flat Bed CNC Turning Centers
Slant Bed Linear Way CNC Lathes
Cnc Turning Lathes
Drilling Machines
Compact Drilling Machines
Magnetic Drilling Machines
Grooving Machines
Grooving Tools Accessories
Pipe Grooving Machines
Hand Tools - Power Tools
Carrying Cases
Carrying Cases For 2 Pressing Tongs
Carrying Cases For 4 Pressing Tongs
Crimping Vipers - Tools
Cutting Tools
Bandsaw Blades
Battery Based Pipe Cutters
Copper Tube Cutters
Pipe Cutters For Draining Pipes
Pipe Cutters For Plastic - Copper Pipes
Plastic Pipe Cutting Shears
Stainless Steel Pipe Cutters
Steel Pipe Cutters
Other Cutting Tools
Universal Saws
Electric Drills
Manual Expanders
Extractor For Necks
Handheld Bending Machines
Battery Powered Benders
Bending Tools
Manual Hydraulic Benders
Manual Benders
Powered Hydraulic Benders
Heat Guns
Threaders - Threader Accessories
Pressfitting Systems
Pipe Champferers
Other Pipe Tools - Accessories
Wrenches - Keys
Adjustable Wrenches
Pop-Up Drain Key Sets
Spare Parts For Wrenches
Tightening Chain Wrenches
Tightening Chain Wrench With Reversible Jaws
Tightening Pipe Wrenches
Tightening Stillson Wrenches
Tightening Strap Wrenches
Other Type Of Wrenches
Various Keys
Other Hand Tools - Accessories
Horizontal Machining Centers
Integrated Production Centers
Special Freight Wagon Repair Milling Machines
Workpiece Template Rotary Work Stockers
Plt. Typ. Single Pal. Cust. Work. Templ. Work Stkr.
Plt. Cy. Typ. Mul-Pal. Cust. Work. Templ. Rot. Work Stkr.
Stacking Type Size Adjustable Stacking Work Stockers
Vertical Machining Centers
Tapping Centers
Adapters For Threading From
Compact Tapping Centers - High Speed Models
Electric Threading Machines
Hand Pipe Threading Machines
Portable Threading Machines
Vertical Turning Centers
Finishing Machines
Aut. Grind., Edge Roud., Deburr - Finish. Machines
Deburring Tumblers
Deburring Machines
Aluminium Bar-Section Deburring Machines
Automatic Deburring Machines
Automatic Pipe Profile Deburring Machines
Basic Deburring Machines
Dual Deburring Machines
Hallow Section Profile Deburring Machines
Laser Deburring Machines
Metal Deburring Machines
Profile And Solid Material Deburring Machines
Single Deburring Machines
Abrasive Grinders - Notchers
Belt Grinders
Centerless Grinders
Cnc Precision Hybrid ID - OD Grinders
Cylindrical Grinders
Flat Surface Grinding Machines
Internal Grinders
Surface Grinders
Vertical Grinders
Honing Machines
Metal Polishing Machines
Pipe Polishing And Sanding Machines
Profile-Solid Mat. Deburring-Edge Round. Machines
Sanding Machines
Pipe Sanding Machines
Belt Sanders
Machine Tools - Accessories
Press Brake And Shear Controllers
Laser Resonators
Materials - Tools - Components
Automotive Maintenance Equipments
Lubricators - Lubrication Oils
Hydraulic Ram Oils
Threading Mineral Cutting Oils
Pipe Pay-Off Stands
Repair Kits
Packing - Handling - Logistics
Double Head Decoilers
Hydraulic Decoilers
Mechanical Decoilers
Pipe Unwinding Trucks
Pioneer Benches
Work Tables
Handling and Lifting
Lifting Equipments
Agricultural Trailers
Truck For The Carriages
Power Transmission - Mechanical components
Mechanical Transmissions
Motor and Motor Control
Frequency Converters
Production Machines
Band Saws - Cir. Saw Machines - Accessories
Band Saws Accessories
Handling Tables
Sawblade Sharpeners
Rail Clamping Tools
Plate Clamping Systems
Cnc Automatic Horizontal Band Saws
Circular Saw Cutting Machines
Dicing Saw Machines
Double Coloumn Full Auto Drive Band Saws
Double Coloumn Full Auto Mitre Cutting Band Saws
Double Col. Full Au. Double Mitre Cut. Band Saws
Double Coloumn Semi Auto Mitre Band Saws
Double Coloumn Semi Auto Double Mitre Band Saws
Double Coloumn Semi Auto Straight Cut. Band Saws
Double Col. Full Au. Straight Cutting Band Saws
Heat Exchanger Sections Bandsaws Machines
Heavy Type Floating Column - Fixed Table Band Saws
Hydraulic Arm Band Saws
High Tech Band Saws
Gantry Band Saws
Mitering Upcut Saws
NC Prog. Fully Automatic Horizontal Band Saws
Tube Cutting Saws
Pipe Band Saw Cutting Machines
Pivot Type Band Saws
Pivot Semi Auto Straight Cut Band Saws
Pivot Type Automatic Double Mitre Bandsaws
Pivot Type Double Mitre Band Saws
Pivot Type Full Auto Mitre Band Saws
Pivot Type Full Auto Straight Cut Band Saws
Pivot Type Manual Mitre Band Saws
Pivot Type Manual Double Mitre Band Saws
Pivot Type Semi Auto Mitre Band Saws
Pivot Type Semi Auto Double Mitre Band Saws
Semi Aut.Hor. Greating-Cutting Band Saws
Traversing Head Vertical Plate Saws
Vertical Band Saws
Woodworking Band Saws
Other Mitter Band Saws
Circular Saw Accesories
Circular Cutting Shears
Hydraulic Circular Cutting Shears
Motorized Circular Cutting Shears
Manual Circular Cutting Shears
Circular Sheet Cutting - Flanging Machines
Cutting Machines - Shears
Coil Slitting Lines
Guillotine Shears
Cnc Shearing Machines
Hydraulic Guillotine Shears
Manual Guillotine Shears
Motorized Guillotine Shears
Nc Swing Beam Shearing Machines
Pneumatic Pedestal Guillotine Shears
Cut to Length Lines
Fiber Laser Cutting Machines
Manual Arm Shears
Manual Rebar Cutters
Plasma Cutting Machines
Hydraulic Flat Bar Cutting Shear
Decoiler – Straightener - Feeder Systems
Eliptical Cutting - Flanging Machines
Mini – Servo Feeders
Mini- Servo Feeder with Straighteners
Press Servo Feeders
Feeding Systems
Compact Press Feeding Systems
Zigzag Feeding Systems
Forming Machines
Lock Seamer Machines
Box And Pan Folders
Hydraulic Automated Box and Pan Folders
Hydraulic Box and Pan Folders
Motorized Box and Pan Folders
Manual Box and Pan Folders
Pittsburgh Lockformer Machines
Motorised Pittsburgh Lockformer Machines
Trace Pressing Machines
Motorized Trace Pressing Machines
Elbow Forming Machines
Automatic Elbow Machines
English Wheels
Gutter Machines
Motorized Seamless Gutter Machines
Hydraulic Pressbrakes
Servo Press Brake Machines
Hybrid Press Brake Machines
Heavy Duty Press Brake Machines
NC Controlled Hydraulic Pressbrakes
Tube - Pipe Benders
Manual Mandrelless Tube Benders
Mandrel Benders
Electric Tube Benders
Electric Bending Machine Without Mandrel
Electro Hyd. Bend. Machines With Mandrel
Electro Hyd. Bend. Mach. For Bend. With - Without Mandrel
Battery Based Pipe Benders
Portable Battery Based Pipe Benders
Battery Based Hydraulic Pipe Benders
Portable Pipe Bending Machines
Portable Hydraulic Benders
Electrical Portable Pipe Bending Machines
Portable Mechanical Pipe Bending Machines
Electro Hyd. Pipe Bend. Machines Without Mandrel
Hydraulic Pipe Bending Machines
Complete Set With Hyd. Pipe Bending Machines
Tube Coiling Machines
Electrical Motorized Pipe Bending Machines With Mandrel
Folding Machines
Folding Machines With Shearing Device
Folding Machines For Roofing
Manual Folding Machines
Hydraulic Folding Machines
Electric Folding Machines
Wrought Iron Machines
Power Hammers
Iron Embossing Machines
Propane Forging Furnaces
End Hot Wrought Iron Machines
Ornamental Bending Machines
Twisting Iron Machines
Rollforming Machines
Rollforming Machine For Agr. Vehicle Chassis
Rollforming Mach. For Agr. - Animal Husb. Practices
Trimming - Bordering Machines
Motorized Bordering Machines
Manual Bordering Machines
Hydraulic Bordering Machines
Profile - Section Bending Machines
3Rollls Motorized Profile Bending Machines
3Rolls Hydraulic Profile Bending Machines
4Rolls Hydraulic Profile Bending Machines
3Rolls Manual Profile Bending Machines
Bending Cheeks
Drawing - Tapering - Flanging - Bending Presses
Electric Push Benders
Flanging Machines
Automatic Flanging Machines
Flanging Machines With Elbow Unit
Hydraulic Straightening Presses
Hydraulic 3 Axis Moving Straightening Presses
Iron Bar Twisting Machines
Manual Hinge - Hook - Eye Benders
Manual Push Benders
Plate Bending Machines
4Rolls Hydraulic Plate Bending Machines
4Rolls Hydraulic Cassette Type Plate Bending Machines
4Rolls Hydraulic Conical Plate Bending Machines
4Rolls Motorized Plate Bending Machines
3Rolls Hydraulic Translating Type Plate Bending Machines
3Rolls Hydraulic Plate Bending Machines
3Rolls Motorized Plate Bending Machines
3Rolls Manual Plate Bending Machines
3Rolls Manual Plate Bending Machines Without Stand
Press Machines
Hydraulic Press for Locks
Hydraulic Workshop Presses
Horizontal Presses
Mf Hyd. C-Frame Punch Press Machines
Rotary Draw Benders
Hydraulic Ironworkers - Steelworkers
Double Cylinder Hyd. Ironworkers - Steelworkers
Single Cylinder Hyd. Ironworkers - Steelworkers
Semi Positioners With Cnc Control
Special Punching - Cutting Lines
Notching - Grinding Machines
Corner Notching Machines
Pipe Notching Machines
Electric Pipe Notchers
Manual Pipe Notchers
Perforated Metal Production Lines
Pipe - Profile Loading Systems
Punching Machines
Cnc Servo Turret Punch Presses
Hydraulic Double Punching Machines
Hydraulic Punching Machines
Hydraulic Punching and Shearing Machines
Manual Arm Punches
Manual Punches
Portable Punching Machines
Punching Machine Accessories
Cnc Feeders for Metal Punching Machines
Cnc Feeders For the Aut. Feeding of Flat Bars
Special Punching Lines
Roller Levelers
Scaffolding Production Lines
Straightener Systems
Servo Feeder with Straightener Systems
Suspended Ceiling Production Lines
Parts Cnc Machining - Sheet Fabrication
Cnc Parts Machining
Ready To Ship - Stock Machineries - Equipments
Box And Pan Folders
Cnc Machining Centers
Circular Saws
Drilling Machines
Guillotines - Shears
Hydraulic Steelworkers - Ironworkers
Hvac Machines
Plate Bending Machines
Pipe - Profile Bending Machines
Tapping Machines
Tube Bending Machines
Second Hand - Used Machinery
Second Hand - Used CNC Machining Centers
Second Hand - Used Machineries - Equipments
Woodworking Machines
Sanding Machines
Tumble And Wire Machines
Multi Hole Machines
Saw Machines
Cnc Routers
Moulding Machines
Edge Banding Machines
Multi Slicing Machines
Industrial Machines And Equipment
Welding and Assembly
Laser Welding Machines
Bochi JHJ-400 General Laser Welder
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Industrial Machines And Equipment
Welding and Assembly
Laser Welding Machines
Bochi JHJ-400 General Laser Welder
Bochi JHJ-400 General Laser Welder
Stock Code
Est. Delivery Time
60-75 Days After Order
Shipment Place
Payment Terms
% 30 T/T On Order Confirmation, % 70 T/T Before Shipment
Made In
Min. Order Qty.
1 Pcs.
1 Year
Stock Amount
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General (Standard) Specifications
Optional Equipments (Accessories)
Technical Specificatons
Laser welding is the use of high-energy laser pulses to local heating in small area of material, the energy of laser
radiation by diffusion, heat transfer to the material within the material melt after the formation of a particular pool in
order to achieve the purpose of welding.
High welding speed, low cost, the welding effect is good
Simple operation, easy to use
Small heat affected zone , the workpiece surface is not easy to deformation
Adjustable welding spot,good welding quality
Blowing argon gas protection system
Beautiful welding surface
Various metals such as titanium, nickel, zinc, copper, aluminum, chrome, niobium, gold and silver and their alloys.
Be widely used in Battery, solar energy, mobile phone communication, glasses industry, mold, electronic appliances, instruments and meters, gold and silver jewelry, medical devices.
Max laser power
Laser wavelength
Max Laser pulse energy
Pulse width range
Pulse frequency
Power consumed
Power supply
AC 380V±10%
Cooling method
Water cooling
Red light or CCD
Worktable conttrol system
Controller or PC
Processing scale
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